NUROFIX capsules combination of GINGKO BILOBA and CHOLINE BITARTRATE a super-food for brain to boost its functionality, both ingredients scientifically demonstrated to help support brain signals, sharpen focus, and support healthy memory. NUROFIX capsules supports neurotransmitters and make possible brain’s communications network while also maintaining healthy cognitive function. It improves memory and mental clarity and relieves in dementia, difficulty in concentration, memory loss and cognitive learning. It improves the blood and oxygen circulation towards the brain by diluting veins and strengthens the nerve cells.
INGREDIENTS (Each capsule contains):
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Ext 120 mg
Choline Bitartrate 110 mg
INDICATIONS (Health Conditions):
Supports Brain Functions & Sharpen Focus
Healthy Memory, Cognition and Concentration
Improve Neurotransmission and Brain Communication
Maintain Blood Circulation in Brain and Entire Body
Beneficial For Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease